Metaphysics 18. Materialist Evasions of Metaphysical Problems

11 months ago

I summarize the attempts that modern materialists have made in the last 120 years to solve the problems of cause, perception, and the external world. Below are four of the books I reference in this video.

* “The Philosophy of Mind,” Peter Smith & O. R. Jones, Cambridge Press, Cambridge. 1986
* “My Philosophical Development,” Bertrand Russell, Routledge, London & New York, 1959
* “Words and Things: An Examination of, and an Attack on, Linguistic Philosophy,” Ernest Gellner, with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, Beacon Press, Boston, 1959
* “Consciousness Explained,” Daniel Dennett, Little, Brown & Company, Canada, 1991

Links to my essays and websites:
"Evolution of Perception Re-Explained: A Radical New View of Reality" at Amazon:

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