Pure Pedophile Sociopath Psycopath Predator Dances Around about Being Into TODDLERS!

1 year ago

casualtourist 13 hours ago:
Dances around about “being into toddlers”. Maybe he should be dancing around dodging a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

casualtourist 13 hours ago:
Alex is the master conversation improviser … just dragging these people along through the briars of predo interview hell. You can see the wheels spinning in this chomo psycho’s mind as he contemplates how screwed he may be.

RedBronze 10 hours ago:
Plus these pervs ALWAYS think they're sooooooooo smahhhhhhht, untouchable even...till they aren't. The moment they realize this....bwaaaahahahahhahaa!!!! Jail is too good for these pervs.

Jdb4026 10 hours ago:
I want to slap this punk everytime he says I'm trying to absorb this. I would piss in his face

dwilley07 14 hours ago:
Who in their right mind would fantasize about molesting children or role-playing talk about sick beyond words I believe all pedophile should be executed rid this earth of the scum?¨

Springfield MO
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