The Great Awakening Song (Original)

1 year ago

This song is in a genre that's a little outside of my comfort zone but God laid it on my heart! Lies crumble when faced with the truth. Those who wield Truth with courage clear the way for others to join in boldly. I encourage you to be a wielder of Truth. There is no stronger weapon in the hands of Light💪 Thanks for listening. Please share!

Special thanks to my Husband Jared & Mom for helping me produce the music video. The loving support of my family & friends make tackling this mission from God of making music in A=432hz possible.

If you're curious about my work & would like to follow along more closely, please consider checking out my TruthSocial page! Come say hi! :D

TruthSocial Profile:

All my music is recorded in 432hz.

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