David Shestokas 092723 Defending Life, Liberty and the right to Dominion (Property and Happiness)

1 year ago

We the __(Elected Governing Body City, County, State)_________ declare that we will not be subject to the provisions of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration. We declare that we have been given inalienable rights by God. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We declare that we are a free people independent of any international body or organization and that we are governed by the United States Constitution and reserve all rights afforded by said Constitution. We further declare that as the duly elected representatives of We the People of __(County, City or State)______ , we reserve all rights and privileges guaranteed in the United States Constitution on behalf of We the People who elected us.

Under the authority given to us by Almighty God as declared in the Declaration of Independence and codified in the United States Constitution, all rights reserved.


In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth of Who Came in the flesh, please wash us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Please forgive us if there is anything we have done knowingly or unknowingly to offed or sin against you Heavenly Father, Almighty God, through the Holy Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the completed work of the cross, His shed blood, death, resurrection and ascension.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth of Who Came in the flesh we ask Angels of the Most High God to arrest any demonic spirits that are giving power to this assignment to deny the God given rights of the people of the United States of America and to We The People of _________ (City or County)

By the power of the Holy Blood, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension of the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who Came in The Flesh we destroy all plans of the darkness attempting to come over the land of the United States of America and undo and expose every evil plan and all deception by the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who Came in the Flesh and by the Power of the Holy Spirt using Holy Fire and the Lord God Almighty’s Holy Angels. Let all be done to the Glory of Almighty God Creator of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

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