Patience 3

1 year ago

One rainy night in Bridal Falls BC 2018 in my faith wheel camper. Where I had moved to race Future West Arena cross. I started my own company, I had exhausted my savings and spent my small loan on paying off bills instead of making payments, MASSIVE MISTAKE!!!! After a few months of running up mountains doing as many pushups and situps and runing up and down the road and ridding no matter how hard it’s raining. My new bike I was ridding was using engine parts on the weekly. My IT bands were locking up and it was hard to walk. I had to go and get them worked on every morning all well still ridding and working out. My lack of education on nutrition on performing at that level was limited at that time. And I had not yet retained a job. With the last 250 dollars on my credit card I started my own businesses. It’s legit I do my quarterly reports and file my taxes. Never did I think it would lead to skateboarding.

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