If the Universe Formed from Nothing, Who Created the Nothing?

1 year ago

The holy grail for mankind is to dominate the world and demonstrate their superiority to others. It's like being king of the world when you have the sense of greatness, power, and the capacity to alter how the world works. They arguably control everything. For a minute, let's travel to a distant galaxy to see what they are actually in control of. Nothing, absolutely nothing. The Earth moves in space as it should, obeying the laws of physics as it goes about its daily routine. Some stars are constantly taking birth, some die as white dwarfs following a great supernova explosion, while others choose to spend their final years as black holes sucking up matter coldly throughout the cosmos without discriminating.

The truth is that nothing in the cosmos is within human control. This is known as the "overview effect" in psychology. The overview effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts during spaceflight, often while viewing the Earth from outer space.

There is always an active debate over the universe's creation. Some people think that the origin of human existence on Earth was caused by a superhuman, almighty, and eternal being. Others believe that a big bang is how the world as we know it began. Even though this hypothesis is heavily contested, it is quite broadly accepted. However, the reason for the universe's existence is a crucial philosophical question that outweighs the first one. “Why does the universe exists ?” “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Join us as we dive into the intriguing theory about the existence of the universe.

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