The Weisberg Incident

1 year ago


Sep 9, 2013
The Weisberg Incident – 16,433 bodies in Woodland Hills
The Abortion Holocaust, part 1
May 23rd, 2020

In 1980 Malvin Weisberg, who lived in an upscale neighborhood in Woodland Hills, on the western side of L.A.’s San Fernando Valley, began making payments on a large (20’x8’x8’) land/sea storage container from the Martin Container company in Wilmington. Weisberg supposedly needed the steel box to store tennis court lights.

Weisberg defaulted on his payments for the container until finally the Martin company came on February 3, 1982 to repossess the large box.

On February 4, when workers opened the doors to the steel box, now parked in the container yard in Wilmington, they were overwhelmed with the stench of decaying human flesh. When they looked inside, they saw bodies strewn among open boxes and plastic buckets. One worker described the scene as a “war zone” and reported watching a headless body tumble forward.

Martin Container employees called the Los Angeles County health department, which began transferring bodies to the county coroner’s office. At the coroner’s office, just west of the L.A. County/USC Medical Center, Dr. Eva Hauser, assisted by Dr. Joseph Wood, weighed, measured and performed autopsies on at least 43 of the larger infant bodies. Some had been dead for more than two years. Some were at least 30 weeks old. All were severely mutilated through salt poisoning or dismemberment with surgical knives. The smell, the buzz of flies, and the sight of mangled infant bodies made the autopsy procedure difficult for the doctors. Many of the bodies still had labels that identified the abortionists.

Since Los Angeles County now had possession of the bodies, the county had to decide how to dispose of them. The Feminist Women’s Health Center, an abortion business, and the ACLU filed suit to have the babies’ bodies incinerated, rather than buried.

The Los Angeles County board of supervisors, led by supervisor Michael Antonovich, requested burial. President Ronald Reagan sent a letter to decry the killing of these children and to encourage a memorial service. On May 30 state senators David Roberti and Alex Garcia, county supervisors Antonovich and Deane Dana, Dr. Gerald Navarre, and Martin Container employee Hank Stolk held a press conference to urge Los Angeles district attorney John Van de Kamp to release the bodies for burial.

During the news conference photos of many of the aborted babies were shown to the media. Several reporters became hostile and alleged that the photos were illegal. Incensed by the reporter’s lack of compassion, Roberti shouted, “They took pictures at Auschwitz” and then accused reporters of “convoluted morality.”

After a lengthy court battle between Los Angeles County and the abortion industry, the 16,433 bodies were crammed into several large pine boxes and buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles on October 6, 1985.

President Reagan provided a written eulogy for the burial, but he had already written poignantly in 1982, “The terrible irony about this sudden discovery is not that so many human lives were legally aborted, but that they are only a tiny proportion of the 1.5 million unborn children quietly destroyed in our nation this year. This is the truth many would rather not face.”

Who was Malvin Weisberg?
The Abortion Holocaust, part 2
May 30th, 2020

Malvin Roy Weisberg operated Medical Analytic Laboratories in Santa Monica from 1976 until March 1981. A significant part of the business of these laboratories was to conduct pathology exams on the bodies of unborn babies from clinics in Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

A May 1983 Associated Press story pointed out that Weisberg’s laboratories at one point received nearly $175,000 in Medi-Cal payments, with $88,000 coming from pathology tests on aborted fetuses. Of this, half of it ($44,000) was paid federally through the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). By the Hyde Amendment, this money was ineligible for testing on pre-abortion or post-abortion tissue, which meant the state of California would need to pay back federal funds claimed by Weisberg and by any other laboratories.

Weisberg was not a medical doctor; to do the exams he hired Milo Allado, a pathologist from the Philippines who had been a physician for the U.S. military. Allado’s name was on the paperwork found in Weisberg’s sea/land container that held the 16,433 unborn baby bodies discovered accidentally in February of 1982.

This accidental discovery occurred because Weisberg (33 years old at the time) had neglected to make timely payments on the container he was purchasing from the Martin Container company in Wilmington. Weisberg had been keeping the aborted baby bodies at his Santa Monica office, but in 1980 there were complaints about the sight and smell of so many bodies, and Weisberg ordered the container to be delivered to his Woodland Hills home. (The first check for $1700 bounced.)

Weisberg’s home on Califa Street in the Woodland Hills Country Club sat next to a flag lot, a piece of property with a long driveway that led to larger lot off the street. In back of Weisberg’s house there were tennis courts. Next to the tennis courts, on the vacant flag lot sat the large (20’x8’x8’) steel container before it was re-possessed.

After a short item appeared in the LA Times about the discovery of the bodies, two pro-lifers visited the Weisberg home in February 1982. Mrs. Weisberg appeared at the front gate in tennis clothes, accompanied by another female. Mrs. Weisberg seemed to acknowledge the existence of the bodies, but at that point her female companion encouraged her to return to the house. The only other testimony to the grisly incident was a neighbor boy, who told the visitors that his parents would not let his sister play with the Weisberg children at their house, because there were “babies’ bodies” stored in a garage there.

Why was Weisberg keeping so many bodies of unborn babies?

To cut back on smog, the Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District had strict rules by the late 1970s limiting on-site incineration in the L.A. Basin. So disposing of human bodies was going to mean burying in the L.A. area or shipping somewhere out of the area – costs Weisberg was apparently not willing to bear.

And there was little chance to make money from the sale of the bodies. Since the bodies were kept in formaldehyde, they could not be used for research or for other uses.

All that is known for certain is that the bodies accumulated on the Woodland Hills property.

Why was Weisberg not prosecuted or made to pay for the Medi-Cal missing money?

Health and Human Services inspector Richard Kusserow stated “prior to its closing in April 1981, [Medical Analytical Laboratories] had routinely submitted questionable billings under the Medi-Cal program, using an erroneous billing code…. the case lacked criminal prosecutive merit due to a lack of proof that the false billings were intentional. Because the laboratory was out of business, and its owner had declared bankruptcy, there were no assets against which to proceed for civil recovery.”

Reading List
*Abortion Rational Look Emotional Issue
*Case for Life Equipping Christians
*Fighting for Life Becoming a Force
*Gosnell Untold Story America's Most
*The Hand of God Bernard Nathanson
*Pro-Life Answers Pro-Choice Arguments
*Unplanned Dramatic True Story
*What Bible Says about Abortion
*Why Pro-Life? Caring Unborn Mothers
*Won by Love by Norma McCorvey
*You Carried Me: A Daughter's Memoir

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