What is health? and are vaccines necessary?

1 year ago

A fantastic discussion covering many aspects of health, particularly relating to children and the stigma around sickness and disease:

- Sickness and the elimination process
- Empowering parents with knowledge
- Tips to encourage healthy eating
- Have vaccines helped lower severe disease?
- The background of vaccines and development - including powerpoint slides
- Parent experiences
- Where to start researching

Resources mentioned:

Archive library. https://informedparent.co.uk/archive-literaturebooks-3/
Video links https://informedparent.co.uk/videos-and-podcasts/

Dissolving Illusions - This features a lot of graphs showing the decline in diseases.

Part One

Part Two

Dr Sam Bailey - There are numerous interesting videos on Sam's site. This is a very recent one.



Health The Only Immunity - Understanding health and disease. At present a free copy is sent with every new subscription.

Virus Mania and Terrain Therapy - Dr Sam Bailey

Vaccination (1993) and Behavioural Problems in Children - Dr Viera Scheibner PhD

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