Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-27-23: How Open Theism Fails in Bible Prophecy

1 year ago

There is a somewhat popular, so-called doctrine in the world of Christendom called Open Theism that we’re looking at today. Its heritage is that it’s descended from a previously popular belief system known as Moral Government Theology, or MGT. As MGT became more widely known and discussed, it became clear that it was heretical, or as one theologian critically stated, it “must be classified not as a form of Christianity but as heathenism masquerading as Christianity.” That’s a serious indictment and well-earned, as we’ll see shortly. However, since MGT effectively gave birth to Open Theism, and this doctrine is prominent today in NAR circles, we need to investigate both of these theological ideologies to better understand what is being taught in some areas of Christianity.

The astounding fact that I came across in researching this topic is that a popular NAR end-times belief system is rooted in Open Theism. That being the case, what this stream in the NAR movement believes and advocates, is ultimately built on a lie. You may think I’m too hard on this whole area known as the New Apostolic Reformation, but as I learn more about NAR, I can only conclude that it is infiltrated by demonic deception. I’m not saying the NAR adherents and their churches which embrace NAR are demonic themselves, but when Christians go down a non-Biblical path, bad things happen. In our case, because I inevitably link my work to Bible prophecy, we’ll see how this affects the post-Tribulation Rapture position versus that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture, which I hold as true. Additionally, I’ll burst some bubbles when I speak about where Open Theism is actually being taught and practiced.

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

Gary Ritter books & blog

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