Mission 19: ON THE TRAIL (S Rank) | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

1 year ago

Difficulty: ⭐️✨

🔫 Weapons/Items: Tranquillizer Gun, Sleeping Grenades (Optional)
🦮 Buddy: D-Horse / D-Dog (Optional)
🛻 Vehicle: Jeep (Optional)

1. Set your landing zone to the outskirts of Ditadi Abandoned Village
2. Head to the location near the “13” on the map to locate the soldiers in the Valley
3. Take them out and extract the target (avoid being seen)
4. Exfiltrate the hot zone

🏆 KEY FACTORS: Complete the mission in under 10 minutes
- Extract the PF Commander (5000pts)
- No Retries (5000pts)
- No Kills (5000pts)
- No Reflex (10000pts)
- No Alerts (5000pts)
- Perfect Stealth (20000pts)

📱 Follow me on X @BigPantheon

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