Spiritual gifts: to have them or to hold them 

1 year ago

This is a lesson on what it means to walk in the office of a spiritual gift, or to have that spiritual gift, and what it means to hold the office of that spiritual gift or Tentatively walk in the office of that spiritual gift. To have a spiritual gift means there is no move a guy. There is no anointing no fasting or other necessary. Anything to do to get that particular spiritual gift or gifts U-Haul to move in activate. There’s nothing you need to do a prepared to use them you just use them and if you’re not getting anything when they’re not working, then that means the will of God is stopping you meeting the guy doesn’t want you to do what you wanna do regardless of whether you are or are not doing something wrong May not necessarily be the case, and it may not necessarily be the case. These are special gifts that are yours, regardless of who you choose wherever you choose to be a child of Satan or you choose to be a child of God, because God has said time and time again “let no man Terrasanta, what God has joined together” that doesn’t just apply to marriage. When Jesus said it in Matthew, it applies across the board when God gives the person a spiritual gift. It is theirs. If that spiritual gift issues for evil then you will get your just be bored how everybody is it if you use your spiritual gift for that which God has told you to, or even better allow God to use it, however, he chooses through you being merely a spectator, while she drives your body as host there will never be when I call prepping cold, reading or preparing, there will never need to be any questions ask store, depending on your gift you will operate in the knowledge applicable to that gift according to God‘s will in the Holy Spirit and all other things that come with it. The people in this category usually chose. There is a special people set aside for a special purpose that usually either is one huge task or a task that involves a significant portion of their life if not all of it.

However, to hold or to hold the office of a gift simply means that you operate in it whenever the Holy Spirit, God, or Jesus Christ is moving by power authority, or any other means, and it comes in contact with you in anyway, and activates the office that you hold the tentative office that you hold at that point under the anointing, you are equivalent to a person who has the office and can do all the saying that they can do under the power and anointing there is no difference from a person who, for example, has the office of prophecy that would be me and a person who holds the Office of prophecy, which will be a person who receives prophecies a word from Guy in a matter of ways, but it is always from him. It is never the type of thing to where you can engage in that spiritual gift freely on-demand whenever you have used it. It has been by sheer power of anointing even if they’re anointing left off of someone else or someone else’s anointing oil it is about God being the anointing not so much is where it came from locality wise there’s laughing lesson goes into that because there are a lot of people who claim to be profits are other spiritual gifts that whole prominent Position in authority in the kingdom of God, who are merely holders of the title, not have her of the office. There’s a very important thing because there are things that a person who has the office can do that a person who just hold it can’t such as use it at Will such as the gift because it is controlled empowered in source from the Holy Spirit activates, and moves on its own independent of you, or taking over you to move at any time, regardless of anointing, flowing or not, regardless of Holio, demonic energy around you, it cuts through all, so Gos can get to you to do what he need you to do.

I hope this helps a lot of people seem to be confused about these things. I understand you do not have to have an office to be used in a mighty way by guide. You merely have to have the gift. Also, you do not have to let me put it this way any gift you see that someone else has and you have always wanted to be a part of that anointing of that calling and participate in. If you are free by Christ word in authority backed up by the other Trinity members totally allowed in free to ask Guy to give or grant you any spiritual gift do you want however, do know that he will only give it if you’re true heart intention is to use it to help on his behalf he’s not giving to make you look cool is that given to bring clout clarity, FAME, money or anything of the sort that we can be said it, a glow up a boss up a whatever the fuck up you wanna call it. If you want to spiritual, give whatever it may be whatever it may be all you must do is simply ask. I was chosen as a prophet, but I never I went a decade and a half, without the gift of interpreting my own prophetic dreams and visions, I always had to go to other profits. Until a profit that was training me said you do know you can ask the father to grant you the gift to understand your own dreams. Once he gives it to you, you’ll be able to understand your own dreams and dreams of others and you Will. This gift was given to me when I was 19 years old because I asked for a ride after she told me and I have always had it. There are other gifts that I have been asking God for since I have sanctified and become Ephesians 5:27 eligible and perfect and listen, blameless, such as healing, because I have a deep, deep, deep, deep, severe compulsion to heal people in ways that are impossible to be healed by medical science and ways that have not been done since the old testament. Like dry bones type of healing. So I’ve been praying and believing in healing Emmy, and believing God for that level of anointing to heal it like that so that when the time comes when he pours out that special extra large anointing, that’s prophesied in revelations. I can go around and I can heal this huge list of my own personal inner circle. Everyone in God‘s kingdom can be awesome and special and unique and powerful. You just have to ask and not wanted because you wanna be cool or you think is cool but one because you wanna help in that way. Sorry, I tend to get a little passionate

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