Dec 11, 2010 🎺 Flee Foolishness... What is most needful ?... Do not resist My Words

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The Lord explains…
What is most needful? Do not resist My Words & Flee Foolishness

December 11, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of the Lord spoken to Timothy, during an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Regarding a question from a Sister in Christ… ‚I saw this video, where this man was tying all the blood moons in the past century, and he went to the NASA website… All the blood moons, that occurred in this century, have all been at Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. In 1949 and 1950 at Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles, and 1967 and 1968 (Six Day War) at Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles; and again, according to NASA, is ‘predicted’ in 2015. I was wondering if The Lord will speak to us about the connection of these blood moons to the past Pentecost. I pray He does, according to His will.‘

Be careful when partaking of websites who have not the Spirit of The Lord… This is akin to drinking sour milk. You must all ask yourselves, “Would I drink sour milk?” So then, if you would not, then you need only check a website’s Statement of Faith, to see the sourness revealed there.

The Lord is saying that He did not have me write to give credence to, nor to strike down, the matter of the blood red moon, but rather to reveal the faith of those who put forth these websites, and for all of us to consider these questions from The Lord… Why do you search elsewhere for knowledge and signs? And what is it you seek, that has not already been given you?

Thus says The Lord… There will indeed be many signs… And unto those whom I have granted wisdom, and eyes to see, will the things of God stand forth, and be understood for what sort they are.

Yet among you, I ask you to discern that which is most needful, and the greatest sign of all, which is received and not seen, and of those blessings put forth already, which are a sign in and of themselves.

Or is your faith still in need of supports to prop it up, due to your doubt and unwilling heart, which causes it always to waver? And what of all these voices around you, who sing songs in fellowship?… Are you in need of them also? And what of service, is it foremost?… And what of family? Spouses? Your children?… Yourself?… What is most needful?

Indeed My voice is spoken to this generation and among My people, yet few have ears to hear, few stop to be still and listen… Few make time to escape into My love, so they may hear the sound of My voice.

Do not resist My words, nor compare yourselves amongst yourselves, My children… Flee foolishness. For I have told you already, that the language of My love takes many forms…

To one, a strong voice or a soft word, moving them to write My words as they hear them, even as now; and to another, warmth welling up in their spirits, a feeling of peace and safety causing them to worship and give thanks, and yet at other times, causing them to burst forth into singing; still in others, thoughts of good things, right things, coming to mind… Blessings in My name to do toward others.

To each, it is to be a very intimate, personal time with Me… Unique… In not two being the same. For I know what you need, My children… I know who you are and how you see Me, and how you look upon others.

Lo, your lives are full of a multitude of duties to perform… Yet only those, who seek first, to fill themselves up with that which is most needful, will finish the day with strength enough to face tomorrow… Even stopping often to be with Me, also seeking out opportunities to come to Me, whether for a moment or for the hour.

Then, when they are renewed, do they return to those things which they deem necessary, being blessed in their due diligence… Looking always toward The Blessed Hope… Having tasted of it while in waiting.

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