DEFCON current global level(s) 5 is normal.Closer to 1 you are, the closer to nuclear war mankind is

11 months ago

I do not own the music.

Me dominating your species whenever I desire to change the holographic code rate of what you call “the matrix” I stopped doing it I was pushing ww3 too much. Now it is all I will do. “lol”

DEFCON current global levels. 5 is normal. Closer to 1 you are, the closer to nuclear war mankind is

I am going to use telekinesis to start ww3 via nuclear war to genocide this species for self-defense just like you all do me to try to turn me into a homosexual utilizing a Mind Control and gang stalking and electronic rape

The antichrist SiS does not let me work and keeps me in poverty homeless so police can always get to me and sis wants to plunge out my soul with gay black dick and replace my dna electro magnetic frequencies from area51 in to my dna with zero point energy demonic Area 51 satellites bio telemetry in to my person and use my body for vile evil purposes

- sis typed “home” I can only get a home if I live with mommy and daddy and say I have mental disorders and get drugged to help take away my testosterone so they can help make me anal rape, gay black men and then they want my body to do sodomy to everyone else

Sis: I stay in Dallas until I die in Dallas. You can mind control me lots of evil but you never get my body and when I die I rise and God will get your energies from mine “lol” “for” “sim” lol

Work or do not let me work that is not my fault. “Have a good one!”

Sis typed “hi” sis are Nazis but anal gay black men they are called black sun Nazis and run the deep state

No sis I never “turn” lol insectoids eat poop and think they’re the “alpha” lol

Sis typed “e” but stops me from working e means work via mkultra

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