Navy seal explains: Voice 2 skull tech. Fake lying telepathy.

1 year ago

Remote Neural Monitoring:

The technology employs Satellite-delivered (ELF) Extra Low Frequencies to communicate voice-to-skull transmissions for Electronic harassment, terrorism and Mind Control purposes. This produces delusional or schizophrenic related symptoms, such as hearing voices. ELF radio signals are used to communicate with Naval Submarines deep below the oceans' surfaces. These frequencies can pinpoint a target anywhere on Earth and can penetrate water, rock, concrete and other dense matter. The brain is composed of neurons (wires) and is powered by low electrical currents. Much like insects communicate with non-contact antenna, humans can communicate with radio transceivers. Each person has a unique genetic code (DNA) each of has our own distinct radio frequencies. Find the frequencies and a terror technician, such as those operatives employed by the CIA's Project MKUltra, can communicate directly into the brain. Remote Neural Monitoring is used by handlers to control MILABS or those recruited to work covert military operations.

Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, claimed to have been developed by the National Security Agency "NSA", that is capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no contacts or electrodes required, see Brain Mapping and Mind Uploading. It is further claimed that the NSA has the capability to decode this data to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data. In effect it allows access to a person's thoughts without their "knowledge" or "permission". It has been alleged that various organizations have been using Remote Neural Monitoring on US and other citizens for surveillance and harassment purposes.Remote Neural Monitoring has its roots in the infamous MKULTRA project of the 1950s which, although it focused on drugs for mind control, also included neurological research into "radiation" "non-ionizing EMF" and bio- electric research and development. [1]


RNM, Wikipedia circa 2006 now deleted

See Also:

Radio Waves

Extremely low frequency

Project MKUltra

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