Do This to Purify Your Blood Naturally

1 year ago

Fenugreek is a plant of the genus Trigonella , a term that refers to the triangular shape of its seeds and to the trigonella, a characteristic component of this plant.

For a long time fenugreek has been used for feeding animals but over time man has discovered its beneficial properties for health .

Properties of fenugreek
Active ingredients: fenugreek seeds contain steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenina), phytoestrogens (vitexin, quercetin, luteolin), alkaloids (trigonelline, genzianin), vitamins (PP, A, B1 and C), lysine, tryptophan, mineral salts (iron, phosphorus) and coumarins. For the phosphorus content, in particular, fenugreek is considered a natural intagratore.

Aumeta the breast and the whipped milk : the phytoestrogens stimulate the growth of the breast and the production of milk , which however takes on the characteristic smell of the plant, due to the essential oil, from the aroma usually unpleasant to the infant.
It is anti-anemic : the action on the hormonal system should also be attributed to the increase in hematopoiesis, that is the production of blood cells, useful against anemia.
It purifies and protects the liver : fenugreek has hepatoprotective properties and is therefore useful in the treatment of liver disease. In particular the choline which prevents the accumulation of lipids in the liver and increases the hepatic synthesis of the phospholipids. The vitamin B complex and the nicotinic acid intervene both as enzymatic activators and as liver function protectors.
Reduces bad cholesterol : fatty acids in fenugreek help to decrease the rate of hepatic cholesterol. The saponins also have a cholesterol-lowering effect, thanks to the ability of these active ingredients to bind with blood cholesterol and thus reduce its intestinal absorption.
Reduces blood sugar and prevents diabetes : the hydrophilic fibers hinder the activity of glucidoactive enzymes (amylases) thus decreasing the availability of glucose. Clinical studies have demonstrated the validity of the use of this plant for the fight against diabetes: the decoction of the seeds induces a very rapid lowering of the blood sugar level.
Contrasts the appearance of acne, pimples and cellulitis : Fenugreek is considered useful in the event of swollen lymph glands, the appearance of acne and pimples that can counteract due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and cellulite.
Against tiredness, asthenia and excessive thinness : due to the generous presence of nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, lipids and minerals, fenugreek is effectively used in case of wasting, thinness, convalescence and asthenia, due to the tonic-restorative action, as it has a beneficial influence on the metabolism, leading to an improvement in the general state and an awakening of the appetite. These substances make it an effective remedy to regain weight lost after periods of illness or unbalanced diet, thanks to the high caloric content. In addition, steroid anabolic substances promote protein synthesis and muscle tissue formation.
For the good health of skin and intestine : the mucilages present in fenugreek help our skin to remain young and hydrated and also contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine.
How to use fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds can be minced and used for seasoning any dish, or they can be used to prepare a decoction .

How to prepare the decoction?

To prepare the decoction, pour a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in cold water, light the fire and bring to a boil. Boil a few minutes and turn off the heat. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Filter and drink. To drink 2, or maximum 3 infusions per day.


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