The nationwide EBS is scheduled for 10/4/23 at 2pm EST

1 year ago

10/04/23 at 2pm EST. I don't know about all the Zombie behavior stuff, but with tech being so far advance I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.
However I have seen real life zombies in the streets of downtown LA particularly. a lot of fentanyl addicts that add the drug called "trand", meth and heroin in the same dose makes a hell of a zombie. I'm not going to front, This shit is scary if you ask me. #alexjoneswasright #digitalsoldier #ccp #getready #2a #right2barearms #lastdaysarehere #beprepared #topgunthedigitalsoldier #itsgettingreal #ticktok #russia #ukraine #thegreatreset #ww3 #reddawn #judgementday #genisys #johnconnor #wearetheresistance #projectbluebeam #predictiveprogramming #newworldorder #thegreatreset #judgementday #nuclearwar #j6wasasetup #fema #covid #maskmandates #vaccinepassports

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