Minecraft and the Bible - Genesis 37-39

1 year ago

In this Let's Play series, we'll be reading the story of Joseph from the Bible while playing Minecraft! We'll follow along as Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, and how he rises to power in Egypt. We'll also see how God uses Joseph to save his family from famine.

This series is perfect for people who love Minecraft, the Bible, or both! It's a fun and educational way to learn more about the Bible and its stories. ⛪️

Subscribe to my channel for more Minecraft and Bible Let's Play videos, as well as many other family friendly Let's Play series! And don't forget to leave a like and comment on this video!🔔👍💬

*as an additional side note, this is my first experience with Minecraft, so this Let's Play will probably move a bit slow.

Genesis 37: Joseph is Jacob's favorite son, and his brothers are jealous of him. Joseph has two dreams that indicate that he will one day be greater than his brothers. When Joseph tells his brothers about his dreams, they become even more jealous.

One day, Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers, who are tending the flocks. Joseph's brothers see him coming and plot to kill him. They decide to throw him into a pit, but Reuben, the oldest brother, convinces them to sell him into slavery instead.

Joseph is sold to a group of Midianite traders, who take him to Egypt.

Genesis 38: This chapter is a brief interlude that tells the story of Judah and Tamar. Judah has three sons, but they all die young. His wife dies as well, and Judah moves to live with his friend Hirah.

Judah sees Tamar, the widow of his eldest son, and he seduces her. Tamar becomes pregnant, but Judah does not know that she is pregnant with his child. When Tamar gives birth to twins, Judah accuses her of adultery and condemns her to death.

Tamar tricks Judah into revealing his identity as the father of her twins. Judah is ashamed of his behavior, and he admits that Tamar is more righteous than he is.

Genesis 39: Joseph is bought by Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. Joseph works well for Potiphar, and Potiphar puts him in charge of his household. Potiphar's wife is attracted to Joseph, and she tries to seduce him. Joseph refuses her advances, and she falsely accuses him of rape.

Joseph is thrown into prison, but he continues to trust God. He is able to interpret dreams for the other prisoners, and he gains a reputation as a wise and trustworthy man.

Minecraft and the Bible Playlist✝️✝️: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmA5hOx3hs9o7w4c9ILAmLAgL_mQuKql1

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#bible #genesis #minecraft #ratedggames #christianity

Genesis 37: 00:00:00
Genesis 38: 00:05:19
Genesis 39: 00:09:49

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