Careless Driver Sends Oncoming Vehicle Into Tense Spinout

7 years ago

Check out this intense footage of a very close call when a driver carelessly pulls out in front of this vehicle, who has his wife and child in the car. This occurred at the intersection of Pauri Road and State Highway 3 near Whanganui, New Zealand. Stay safe and be patient on the road!

This video is yet another proof that we all need to be extra careful every time we get out there on the highway. It's also another sad example of the recklessness of some drivers. What we see is a car driving at proper speed on a highway, when all of a sudden, the calm ride is interrupted by a reckless driver that decides to pull out right in front of him on an intersection!

Luckily, the car stops just seconds before it collides into the other car! As it hits the brakes, the car starts turning around several times before it finally stops safely. Talk about a close call! Who knows what the other driver was thinking when he decided to turn in a split second!

Have you ever found yourself in a smiliar situation? What't the best way to react? Share it in the comment section below!

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