Documentary: The 1934 Bankers Coup Revisited. Will There Even be Another Election?

1 year ago

Documentary: The 1934 Bankers Coup Revisited. Will There Even be Another Election?
August 30, 2022
Matthew Ehret - Canadian Patriot Press
@OratorBlog - TheWarAgainstYou
I Highly Recommend this Video/Article.
But it is extremely important to understand the following:
While historical events are the matter of record, it is the accurate Interpretation of those events that is the most difficult.

The most crucial parts that are key to understanding that history are most often the ones that have been most deeply hidden. This knowledge remains secret out of necessity for the Powers That Be.
The Presidency of FDR is one of the most difficult segments of our history to grasp.
While this video and accompanied article is very excellent work, it appears that the writer Matthew Ehret is missing the most important final segments of hidden History.
Yes. There was indeed a battle for power between the Anglo-American Fascists (The British American Pilgrim's Society Establishment) and the Jewish Socialist - Communist Bankers, in the end they are all on the Same Side:
The British Led Globalist Bankster Cabal.
This should be obvious by the fact that none of the Fascist Conspirators ever faced Legal Prosecution for their High Crimes and Treason.
And while it may have appeared that FDR was opposing the Bankers, nothing could be further from the Truth.
The agreement of the Bankruptcy by the U.S. and European Countries imposed by the Rothschild Banksters at the Geneva Convention and FDR's Bank Act of 1933 proves that alone.
And the Stock Market Crash that led to the Great Depression was Intentionally Caused by the Bankers and was used to Foreclose on Unpayable Mortgages.
If FDR was REALLY Fighting against the Criminal Banking Cartels, he would have Exposed that Grand Conspiracy/Crime and provided Restitution. He would have gone after the Federal Reserve. And most importantly, he would have Defaulted on the Bankruptcy and Never have paid them at all.
Instead, FDR instituted the Bank Act, do fiercely denounced by Congressman James Traficant, who was Imprisoned and Murdered for exposing the Greatest Act of Treason in US History.
With the passage of the 2022 Defense Authorization Act giving the executive branch sweeping powers over the use of the military in all domestic affairs, and the obvious obsession by the British-run deep state to impose a final end game scenario onto the experiment of 1776, it is important to recognize the historical precedent of the attempted Bankers' Coup of 1934 that sought to impose a fascist puppet dictator into the White House. Unfortunately for the JP Morgan network managing this coup, the puppet they selected for their American Mussolini was a patriotic retired General named Smedley Darlington Butler. In this Canadian Patriot Review film based upon the essay "Why Assume There Will be a 2024 Election?" written by Matthew Ehret and produced/narrated by Jason Dahl, we are introduced into this dense period of history from the orchestrated demolition of the financial system in 1929, the Wall Street/London fueled "economic miracle solution" of fascism and eugenics between 1930-1934, and the story of FDR's war with the financier oligarchy's London and Wall Street tentacles. From this vantage point, we are then thrust into a deep dive into the person of Smedley Butler and his courageous defense of the republic.
Found Posted by Tap Blog:
Eugenics and Depopulation
The Anglo-American Hand Behind The Rise Of Fascism Then And Now – Matthew Ehret
The original article can be read here:
The previous Canadian Patriot documentary in this series can be viewed here:
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