🤬🤬🤬 Biolaboratories in Ukraine are developing bioweapons....

1 year ago

The politician who bears the Kennedy surname, Robert Kennedy Jr. is a-priori very well informed, has access to very secret information.
In 2001, the U.S. resumed development of bioweapons. Doctors since the time of Hippocrates had been looking for ways to reduce the risk of disease. Now 36,000 American "scientists of death" are developing germs that can be used to kill people. Following the 2014 breakout of three beetles infected with smallpox and other dangerous viruses, germs, some labs have been shut down…
And moved to Ukraine.
Source: https://t.me/dimsmirnov175/5287
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About the photo:
NATO was using French citizens as lab rats for the "covid" vax. They KNEW it would cause blood and heart problems and sterility. BUT THEY DID IT ANYWAY! 🔥

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