Twisted Tacos Cults N DorkSnacks - TRYING To Double Reverse Again To Set Up Mr. Cox!

1 year ago

Just Another Toooof Fairy Selling That Fantasy playfighting With PrEdward to try and stay ahead of the Algorithms as An Influencer, But Failed, Totally Failed.. ITS SUCH A Busted down LARP, its worse than The Infamous Carp Fish LARP.... But Why Hasnt LARPY ever Caught Onto this and Blasted Tacos For Her Grifting N Shillin'? Maybe its cause theyre on the same Team? Son Of The Clovinator.... LARPY, Tacos, N PrEdward.... HERE TO SAVE YA'LL From The Big Bad Mr. Cox! And Dont Forget The Fellowshill Crew With Skattie, Spamgla G, And Nick Kuk Of The Retirement Home Band! Theyre Out Wreckin The Skreets With Their Doahboi Shotguns n playfight crews For PrEdward Paxton!... WhatchOWT!

Dont Forget, It Was Tacos that Came to PrEdwards Rescue The day His Ex's Interview Video dropped. Tacos just so Happened to hop on up on his panel To help redirect the Derailing train get back on course. Thats Some Influencer Shiat....

@EagleFangMMA - Ur Still a spineless Fellowmon Crew Kuk.. Wouldnt be suprised if u were still with yax, the way u kuk to kim and FellowVictim...

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