Operation Sandman - 130 Nations vs USA, Famine, Starvation and Death to usher in the Antichrist

1 year ago

Order out of Chaos - is it getting chaotic yet?

The true US Debt is $400 Trillion We are insolvent. 130 nations dropping Petro Dollar. The true Derivative Debt is $400 Quadrillion.

Everything is being Supernaturally controlled by Evil Demons with the goal of killing and/or capturing all the people of the world.

They want everyone to consent to their satanic new world order. They plan on starving the survivors into submission.

What if there was radiation fallout and government declared all food and land toxic?

They want to quickly makes broke by destroying the economy, they want to destroy the WATER supply and want to destroy our land and food with droughts, poisons and radiation.

They want complete control of our food.

What we see going on is not being orchestrated by the morons we call presidents.

They are preparing to usher in their Antichrist. According to Elon Musk's babysitter, Elon was born to Usher in Antichrist to rule the world.

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