The Pentagram The Occult Meaning of the 5 Pointed Star

1 year ago

Religions are often tied to certain symbols that represent faith and, when worn, are a way of identifying others of the same belief system. Judaism has the Magen David, and Christianity has the cross that takes different forms based on the denomination one belongs to.
There is the Crescent and Star of the Islamic faith and the AUM or OM symbol of Hinduism. These symbols represent faith, piety, protection, and devotion, all good things.
However, not all symbols are associated with “good”; some are associated with “evil.” The pentagram is one of those symbols associated with good and evil for centuries. What is the true meaning of the pentagram? Why is it associated with the occult?
The Pentagram
A pentagram is a five-pointed star used throughout history as a symbol, often related to magic or the occult. The pentagram has had a wide variety of meanings and functions over time.
The pentagram has been a protection symbol, a symbol of perfection (the angles conform to the golden ratio found throughout nature, which is why many find the shape aesthetically pleasing), a symbol of identification, the devil, humanity, and many more. The word pentagram only refers to the star, not a star within a circle.
A pentagram within a circle is called a pentacle which has been used by Wiccans and Pagans. The term pentacle and pentagram have been used to refer to the five-pointed star with or without the circle.
The pentagram’s pleasing and harmonious shape has seen it co-opted
Pentagrams have been found carved into Sumerian pottery from Ur from around 3500 BC, and it was a symbol the ancient Greeks were familiar with. There have been vases found with a pentagram on the body, which scientists believe dates back to the 7th century BC.
The pentagram was used by followers of Pythagoreanism back in the 6th century BC. Pythagoreanism was based on the beliefs and teachings of Pythagoras and his followers, known as Pythagoreans.
For the Pythagoreans, the pentacle was a sign of “mutual recognition, of wellbeing, and to recognize good deeds and charity.” The pentacle used by the Pythagoreans is a five-pointed star that sometimes contained the word ‘ὑγιεία’ which meant “health.”
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