This is kinda weird 👆👆👆

1 year ago

🤷‍♀️ The bible has been changed to deceive the masses into taking the jab.
The original words for receiving the mark of the beast said “In” the right hand or the forehead not “on” the right arm.
In other words people have already blindly accepted the mark via death jab. This explains why they were pushing it so hard, coercing people into taking it.
Once injected it manipulates the human genome making you a new type of species. You are now owned by the establishment & are patented stock.
The jab contains Graphene oxide used to transfer data at speeds via WiFi technology, mRNA gene therapy creating C-DNA a synthetic type used for transhumanism & binding a biological operating system into the human immune system, potentially making you sick by a touch of a button, Luciferase used to Track and trace, controlled by Nanotechnology, connected to the mainframe computer via 5g masts which have been put up in lockdown right in front of your faces. Ready for a cashless society.
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