new song dance

1 year ago

I ended up forgetting my step due to that and went off rhythm. One by one, the dance started falling apart. In the end, the only people clapping for us were our parents. We were all mortified. We had practiced for so long! How could we have done so horribly? Crying, I ran up to my mom and said, ¨I don’t want to dance anymore!¨ ¨Why not? What happened?¨ ¨We practiced so hard, and we all still messed up! It’s not fair!¨ My mom knew this was all a phase and said, ¨So you’re going to give up just because you didn’t succeed once? I suggest you try one more performance and give it all your effort. I’m sure you’ll want to continue after that.¨ I agreed with my mom and went back to class the next day. Surprisingly, my teacher didn’t say anything about our performance. Instead, she told us about an upcoming competition. We were hesitant about taking part, but ultimately our teacher convinced us.

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