Part 2: My Direct Descendant of ALL Sons & Grand Sons of Noah

1 year ago

This video is one of a three part series and showing that my bloodline descendants my DNA, my specific, genetic make up of my family, and more specifically of myself as an individual ties all the way back to a direct bloodline to send it to me shake the son of Jeff with the founder of Babylon, the Jordanians, the Geats, Goths, VisaGoths GautiGOTHS, and the country of Germany itself. Shem first prophet there ever was son, Aram, founder of the kingdom of Aram begat Uz the builder with his brother Meshechk of the city of Damascus thus Syria and Saudi Arabia, ham, Som of Noah, whose son Cush found it in Ethiopia and Egypt those were the wisest, most smartest and had a heart after God and the tribe that connects to all the major prophets Moses, Elijah, kKing Solomon, King David, the physical human body of the pre-existing Jesus Christ BEFORE HIS resurrection.

All these bloodlines genetics are in my blood. I’m a human being I am not a god or God. I am a prophet and apostle, highly anointed chosen and high calling with authority that supersedes anyone on earth, As spoken & acknowledged to my The Father & Son to me by Jesus Christ himself.

Don’t come at me go to the Holy Spirit & Father, like you fucking supposed to do!!!!

Ask Him who is the surviving heir to the throne Of Noah, Ham, Shem & Japheth WHO the new official King of the planet Earth IS!

Go ask our Father in heaven, who the official King of the Planet Earth is by BIRTHRIGHT and recognition of MY DIRECT BLOODLINE descendants . God sent me here as a deliver & bring you to Himself because His Son will be here, and He has given me the exact date because His Son’s blood is literally in my fucking veins!!!

I am literally covered in and out with the blood of Christ in a whole other way then nobody can ever actually imagined because the DNA of the pre-existing Christ is in my literal blood because He IS a descendent of the House of David!!

You can ignore me if you want or you can hear what it is. I have to say they’re secret and things that God has given to me that no one else has their authorities and gifts and knowledge! I have surely because of my bloodline.

God has enabled me access to any and everything my ancestors of the Bible my direct bloodline ancestors in the Bible had access and authority to I am here to HELP and HELP only!


I want to share all the 3 years worth of stuff that God in Jesus and the Holy Spirit has been telling me but nobody out all the TicTok all the Instagram all the social media will listen to me!

I’m getting very frustrated and I have quit every day for the last 60 days they got us put me on here I have been saved for 37 years.

I talk to God like you guys talk to social media. I hear God automatically He come through my jokes. I prophesy on accident. I walked with God so long he just flows in every part of my being because I’ve literally been saved since I’ve been a child He’s had His Hand on me. I was raised in the darkness and hell with GOD in sight you but I was ROOTED in like because God gave me a pure heart.

I was rooted, my heart, was rooted light a pure heart of God. I have always had a heart for good and a heart for God since I have been a very little boy as early as two years old, I can remember not wanting to do anything wrong or lie. I’m a unique individual I will be like nothing you’ve ever seen no Christian you’ve ever seen the person you’ve ever seen no African-American you’ve ever seen I am individual and unique in every way I’m not even 100% African-American know I’m 100% European Norma 100% Indian I’m a combination of all of them with a little bit of Nephilim blood in me because my cousin was born with six fully formed fingers yep. But the secret of just which Angel it was that is tied to my bloodline as a secret, I can tell no one.

God made me special a person who loves him, because he never had anyone to depend on but him on the time he was born .


I always show proof or it DONT GET POSTED

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