Prophecy and Russo-Ukraine war.

1 year ago

The current war raging in Ukraine is on a scale not seen in Europe since the dark days of WWII. My deep and methodical researches into Bible Prophecy, coupled with ominous 'signs in the sky' have led me to believe that we are currently living in the End Times, What would happen then was prophesied bv none other than Jesus Christ himself on his Mount of Olives, recorded in Chapter 24 of Matthews Gospel. In that speech he says that there will be wars and rumours of wars right up to the time of his return. Soi could the present war in Ukraine be connected in any way to this prophecy?

In video, Adrian Gilbert makes the case that while this war may not seem significant in this context, it presages something far more ominous. We should heed the warnings and prepare for Armageddon.

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