How do you build company culture at your workplace? #leadership #entrepreneur #companyculture

1 year ago

"Company Culture" is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot. But at Olympus Home we absolutely live it. Many people have the idea of company culture wrong. They think of it as ping pong tables and nap pods. True company culture is multi meaning. It means connecting with your coworkers, gettting to know them, and bulding actual real life connections.

But it also means the spirit in which the company operates. At Olympus that means we all work extremely hard and have a high commitment to performance. It means we value customer experience and doing the right thing. Our company culture in essense follows the golden rule, treat others how you would want to be treated. In doing so, not only do we have a great environment to work in, but we also provide the most positive customer experience that we possibly can.

#businesstips #companyculture #leadership #entrepreneur #lifestyle

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