Firefighting, Snipers, and Cage Fights with Michael Mitchell - 138

1 year ago

Sometimes in life you cross paths with fellow believers in the faith that have phenomenal testimonies. This week's episode is one of those moments.

Michael Mitchell is the director of the Forge which is a division of Watered Gardens Ministry in Joplin Mo.

From being shot by a sniper in the military to firefighting and cage fighting, Michael has quite a testimony to share.

Through life's close calls and having the opportunity to have some of the coolest jobs on the planet you would think a person would be super thankful to the God above for the blessings on your life and give him all the glory! But sometimes, that just isn't the case.

This week Michael shares with us the journey that he traveled through the military and beyond as he searched for true meaning in his life. In the end he has come to realize no matter how many awesome stories a person has to share about their journey through this life, none of them are more important than the story we have when we truly find peace and grace thorough the restoration offered by the love of Christ.

This is a testimony you won't want to miss! This is part 1 of a 2-part series with Michael. This week he shares his testimony and next week we sit down again and talk about the ministry of Watered Gardens. The next couple of episodes are ones you definitely won't want to miss!

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