ADL Mossad Prints US Currency Offshore so is Defacto US Tax Collector

1 year ago

Out the UN ADL Mossad Int’l Police & Teachers Unions Rothschild Opium Cartel Jewish Gay Mafia B.A.R. Association Child & Narcotics Traffickers for rigging everything, & they torch your life. My bank accounts have been emptied all my life, & all of everything is surveilled & jacked by ADL Mossad. I am down to $1 in my wallet & my bank account is overdrawn. Police keep trying to make up stuff for rigged courts to put me in prison for the rest of my life. They pay informants money printed up off shore. The FBI & Int’l Police Union is using US Currency Printed up on CIA Printing Presses Offshore to rig & rip off everything. Word search Rich Murzin DHS.

Steven G. Erickson
215 S. Broadway Suite 217
Salem, NH 03079

My email can be made from servicespecialist at protonmail dot com

What can you do to help the cause?

Ask me about #WBNemesis to make the US Dollar American again

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