Murder By STARVATION - Lynda Rickard Murdered Anthony Sootheran- UK True Crime Documentary

1 year ago

[UK True Crime Documentary] In this case we head to Oxfordshire, where the prosecution for 'Murder By Starvation' went to court for the first time in 100 years.

Lynda Rickard and her husband were given a great opportunity. If they looked after James Anthony Sootheran and his mother, they would be paid £47,000 a year and get to live on the £1.8million farm.

Lynda took the opportunity, and much more before Murdering Anthony by letting him starve.


This is a real, True Crime case, so it's important that if you share or comment you do so with the appropriate sensitivity.

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The reason my True Crime cases go into such detail is because i take them seriously.
I see myself as an "Investigative journalist", although I don't like the term when referring to myself, it does very much explain what i do.
However I only ever use Information and Images that are already in the public domain.
I try my best at all times to be respectful and unbiased. With only good intentions.
If you are close to a Case/Crime that i cover and you want me to remove it from my youtube/Podcast. That being a close relative. Then feel free to contact me at . However please be aware, I am not obligated to do so..


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