How Atlantis fell.

1 year ago

The Fall Of Atlantis

Last night I had a dream about healing and stepping into my power whilst maintaining humility. I was reminded that This is the challenge. To remain in balance, and not become stuck in the ego. I channelled the following, and when I had finished I realised it was meant as the introduction to a video on “The Fall Of Atlantis.”

Confidence and humility.
Possessing both in equal measure.

Many of us lack confidence. It can be the journey of a lifetime to step into our power and realise we are an equal to all others and no one is above us, or below us. Our current Society is based on higherachy and reinforces this imbalance. We are encouraged to see some as superior to ourselves. When we master life through our experience and gain wisdom, gradually the position of superiority we gave others begins to melt away and we finally recognise we are equals.

Sometimes we also realise that those we thought were masters were not. Many times these people know the falsehood but maintained the illusion of Mastery to maintain power over others, which is not for our highest good. To give your power away to others and to assume others know the absolute truth without evidence and certainty has led to the downfall of many civilisations.

One such civilisation was Atlantis. We are told this civilisation was not real and some believe it to be a myth. Lost in the depths of time it became a vague story told and the lessons we should have learnt from the fall of this greatly advanced civilisation were forgotten.

Over the past months these have been brought back to my memory and the memory of many others, for the purpose of healing, and remembering this vitally important message….. A false profit will lead you to destruction and many paid the ultimate price, of loosing their souls or at least being stuck within the illusion of having done so. For we truly can never be lost, if we remember our own light and the love that is our god or source from whence we came. When this is remembered we return home in an instant. We can always be our own saviour by simply allowing ourselves to remember all of who we are.

I wish to tell my portion of this story now, to illustrate how very lost it is possible to become when we forget our own light. This is a story pieced together via multiple sessions of hypnosis, Akashic readings and meditations. This story needs to be told. This is only one perspective and it is my truth. This doesn’t mean it has to be yours, but allow this information to become a part of your consciousness, so it can form a picture with everything else you may learn on this subject over time.

This is how we gain truth. By gathering small fragments of knowledge which finally make a whole picture. Knowledge built from multiple sources can be more reliable than that drawn from only one. But always, always feel with your heart. Does this resonate with my heart? Because our ego and our logical minds have simply forgotten the magical nature of our true history and existence.

We came from a very diverse and multi dimensional past. We fell into a world where we forgot we have the power of second sight and connection to all that is through our knowing and inner voice. Let us remember this together now….

Those people who do not heal their past make the same mistakes in their future. This is of no benefit to anyone. So I share this story to allow others to heal too.

We are powerful beings of light. Each one of us. It is time to step back into this power while maintaining our humility and love in our heart in perfect balance. Then we will rise

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