Goldstein's Massacre At The Mosque

1 year ago

This footage is extremely rare, and would otherwise be lost.
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'Dr.' Baruch Kappel Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians in cold blood, on PURIM, by machine-gunning them in the back, and throwing grenades while they were praying at the Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Al-Khalīl (Hebron). When some worshipers fled the mosque in terror towards the israeli army, the army opened fire, and killed some more! Goldstein was a follower of Meir Kahane. Many racists consider them to be both heros and martyrs.

Since it's founding in 1948, the israeli zionist state has projected a carefully calculated media image as a paradigm of democracy and human rights. The reality beneath the image is far different however. The Jewish religion is founded upon the talmud, a sacred book that declares non-jews, known as Goyim, as sub-human. This has always been judaism's orthodox view of non-jews, and this attitude was enshrined in the israeli state, where Palestinian civilians were massacred with impunity by the israeli army.

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