i ask God, what do you want me to do w/ this

1 year ago

this is what it sounds like to just go w/ it
don't feel bad, maybe you're supposed to feel sad
we screw things up often
da da da da da da da gonna distract ya
forget i'm flawed n praise God
pretty mfing plz just be w/ me
i don't have to ask but i always do
tweak yer attitude ever so slightly n things won't weigh down so heavily
we're convinced that life is supposed to be way more than it is
when you're disappointed you're more likely to listen to pieces a shit that don't have yer best interest
nobody should be in favor of war LAST RESORT
a buncha morons that just go along cos it's part of their identity to do so
i needed to change it since i made it sound so stupid
this is a really good defensive tactic
everybody is a guinea pig in their own way
i used to be as well n then i smoked a lotta weed to get relief from this shit ass world
the purpose of cannabis is to teach you the alternatives
you always have options
those that make the laws rape kids so...
i don't fetishize all that typical right wing shit
you will always be depressed w/ this attitude
you will always be a victim inside yer head
what do i need to say to myself to get out of this mindset that this is so hard to live w/
acceptance really is the answer but that's not what people wanna hear
they want legal, conventional, unquestionable relief
i'm wrong for assuming anything about you
this is God's Will so that's it i guess
He taught me how to transform it n help other people w/ it
is this psychosis?
some psycho rant just now
i am here to help amerihahaha navigate

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