Nagorno Karabakh Attacked - Massive Protests in Armenia - Who's Behind It All

1 year ago

Natalia Saghiyan, a member of an opposition party in Armenia, reports on the recent Azeri attack on Nagorno Karabakh and the resulting crisis there and casualties including 6 Russian Peacekeepers. Over 6,000 civilians have fled the independent republic for Armenia. The situation there is tense because these major powers are all in there supporting one side or the other: Turkey supporting Azerbaijan, Israel also supporting Azerbaijan because neighboring Iran supports Armenia, and of course, the US has been involved for decades using it's soft power and lots of billions creating the atmosphere for this obvious attack on Russia, Armenia's centuries old partner and supporter. Meanwhile, massive protests have been in Yerevan calling for the ouster of PM, Pashinyan. Natalia was arrested, but confronted the police saying, "do not touch me." She ended up turning herself in and after three hours was released.

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