The Demon / Beast On The Stairs!!!😲😨😱

1 year ago

Dad sees the cat toy move and the stairs light flashing ON / OFF and hears multiple footsteps going up the stairs. He was home alone!

He grabs the camera (which is always filming in this location due to high paranormal activity rates) and goes to the bottom of the stairs.

He points the camera up the stairs and can hear weird footsteps ascending. Then, moments later, he hears them descending.

When it sounds like they have come to the bottom of the staircase, the light stops flashing and it goes out.

Moments later, some Demonic Creature or Beast lurches out of the darkness right at Dad's face with a menacing growl! 😱

Dad was so shocked, he fell into the door and also felt claw-like appendages scrape down his right arm.

The camera also glitched at the same time.

Dad is fine, if a little shocked, obviously. This is the one thing that Dad HATES! This demonic 'beast' often stalks him around his bed at night when he wakes up. He has to tuck his feet in, under the covers. He absolutely despises it! This is THE one thing that he never finds funny! 😐

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