Cat Is Completely Mesmerized By Bubble Timer

7 years ago

What all cat lovers have been hoping to hear had finally come right from the mouths of those we like to trust most. Scientist have proven that watching cat videos can actually boost your productivity! Keeping them as pets is a great stress reliever; some offices even let cats stay there so that the employees can feel better while at work.

If you have not checked your watch and calendar, we will drop you a little secret – times have changed. Modern times call for some pretty amazing modern cats with a developed sense of self, a charismatic personality and a brilliantly hilarious way to show it.

Here we have a very mesmerized kitten to the sight of a bubble timer. We think that this bubble maker has this cat completely under its spell and in complete state of trance. This kitten is just too grasped by the sight of this object as it pulls right next to it and enjoys its presence by starring at it. You can see that this object also has a hypnotic power over this cat as it does seem to become somewhat drowsy while looking at it.

Ava the kitty is hypnotically drawn to this bubble timer on her owner's desk. Look at how captivated she is by it!

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