Ep: 11 Adam Mahdavi "Taking Power Back to Educate Your Children" -M4L HC: Here for the Kids

1 year ago

In this episode, the Moms for Liberty Hamilton County, Tennessee chapter welcomes back Adam Mahdavi from South Carolina for our September chapter meeting. His goal is to reclaim excellence in the classroom.
This episode focuses on discussing how the average citizens can be taking power back to educate their children and what virtues Americans are to reclaim the right to pursue happiness. The first talk in August was theory. The second talk casts a vision for action.
First Talk: Theory-
Ep. 9 Adam Mahdavi-What is the College of Education Teaching?: M4L HC, TN-Here for the Kids
Adam Mahdavi is a history teacher at The South Carolina Preparatory Academy. Adam worked with the South Carolina Freedom Caucus to remove discriminatory curriculum in the Lexington One school District for 31 schools, protecting over 28,000 students. Adam has worked with Libs of Tik Tok & Fox News Digital to expose the subversive teacher education program at the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Carolina’s School of Education. He currently lives in the Midlands of South Carolina area with his wife and daughter.
We connected with Adam because of our concern here in Tennessee, especially our own district using this discriminatory curriculum, EL Education; as well as in other districts in Tennessee, for example Wilson County. We have talked to parents who have shared with us heart wrenching stories from their children because of this curriculum here in our district. We hope to be able to help these parents find a solution in Tennessee as well.
Those who joined the first meeting in August were thankful for the information Adam shared with us, and at their request we asked him to return to continue the discussion on the current state of education and what we can do about it. We look forward to continuing our work alongside Adam and are thankful for his boldness in working to remove discriminatory material from the classrooms in South Carolina and the nation.
SC Freedom Caucus sues Lexington One
CRT Exposed - RAW Video
Infiltrating the Classroom: Part 2 - The Whistleblower Speaks
Infiltrating the Classroom: How Radical Liberals are Indoctrinating our Students

M4L Hamilton County, TN August Newsletter
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