Gavin Newsome Will Replace Biden After Dem Primaries, 4189

1 year ago

It looks like Gavin Newsome will be the Democrat candidate, not Biden.

So here are some diverse facts that have appeared during the last few days.

Today Ron Desantis agreed to debate Gavin Newsom on Fox News in November to be moderated by Sean Hannity.
Why? Why would DeSantis anger Trump even more? Because if Trump was found guilty of sedition by a Washington D.C. court, or any of the felonies of which he has been accused, he could be prohibited from running, or he could be thrown in jail, and running from a jail cell might present a few problems.

Of course, eventually some appeals court along the line would overturn the conviction on any of several of a dozen reasons, but you can believe that the Desperados would be moving Heaven and earth to drag their feet until Trump’s return became impossible.

So, to DeSantis, debating – and thrashing – the likely new Democrat nominee early on, would be a big plus to looking presidential.

Remember, if this is the Dems plan, DeSantis may also have been let in on the secret. But there is more.

Sometime last week, Newsome was seen whole-heartedly endorsing Biden for president in a way that strained credibility. If Newsome really wanted to run, why wouldn’t he be bashing the horribly weak Biden? Yup, just doesn’t make sense.

And now some inside California news. Cali-Insider just sent this report:

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