Can Classical Culture Stop Thermonuclear War?

1 year ago

Livestream at 2pm EDT/11am PDT.
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Join Harley Schlanger, Anastasia Battle, Renee Sigerson, and Fred Haight for the discussion.

NATO’s war against Russia is once again escalating. The London/Washington axis has no intention of allowing peace negotiations to occur. The Ukrainian colony must march its youth to extinction. There is some resistance registered in the US Congress, and from nations and factions in Europe, but no change is forthcoming from them. The change must come from us. But where does our power to change this situation come from? At the United Nations this past week, LaRouche organizers, as part of a Humanity for Peace delegation, presented the solution, in the form of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Open Letter to the Heads of State at the U. N. General Assembly. The delegation was, however, organized as a musical chorus, and used the principles of Classical art to voice that message. Join today’s show to hear how to wield the Classical principle to stop the descent into war.

Link to conference exposing the International Assassination Bureau:

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