[BALDUR'S GATE 3] Lower City: Baldur's Mouth / Murder Target (Cora Highberry) - Part#35

1 year ago

Eflsong Tavern: (0:00)

--- Nortale's Hostel ---
Nortale's Hostel: (5:30)
Pouch - Perception Check: (10:08)

--- Baldur's Mouth ---
Falael: (12:35)
Lever: (16:00)
Barricade - Alternative Entrance: (17:07)
Plank - Perception Check: (18:40)

Ettvard Needle - Editor in Chief: (22:40)
Sneaking: (27:02)
Document Chest - Ink Spattered Key: (29:30)

--- Baldur's Mouth Basement ---
Baldur's Mouth Basement: (31:23)

Steel Watcher: (35:10)
Skip Combat: (43:55)

Broadsheet - Investigation Check: (49:09)
Wicker Basket - Make Big Money by Trading with Adventurers: (50:00)
*Stop the Presses #update

Baldur's Mouth Gazette - Edition #76: (50:47)
Barricade: (51:00)

Cutest Cat You've Ever Seen: (51:10)
A Public Danger!: (53:43)

Printing Press: (56:41)

Wicker Basket - Adventurers, Our Best Hope For the City: (1:00:38)
Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing: (1:02:00)
Baldur's Mouth Gazette - Edition #82: (1:02:12)

Printing Press - Stop the Presses #update: (1:02:53)
*Stop the Presses Complete. (just wait)

Blessings For Other Members: (1:07:25)
Skip Blessings: (1:31:02)

--- Highberry's Home ---
Cora Highberry & Roger Highberry - Medicine Check: (1:34:38)
*Investigate the Murder #update
Skip Combat: (1:38:31)

Cora Highberry - Reward: (1:39:42)
Wine Cellar Key: (1:41:41)

Painting / Loose Plank - Perception Check: (1:41:58)
- Highberry's Strongbox Key

Jol's Chest Key - Perception Check: (1:54:37)

Stormshore Armory: (1:59:37)
*Steal Everything...

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