Gas was HOW MUCH?

1 year ago

The Energy Crisis A Myth or Reality?

Is the energy crisis a reality or a myth?

Let's delve into this intriguing question.

In 1973, the concept of an 'energy crisis' was introduced to the American public.

Some believe this was a strategic move by global plotters to control the United States' urban renewal program.

The idea was propagated so intensely that many Americans accepted the energy crisis as a reality.

if you are among those still asleep, it is time to shake yourself loose from the cobwebs of deceit so skillfully spun in your mind by the Illuminati mythmongers and become attuned to reality.

Acting on the time-proven principle that when a lie is repeated often enough and loudly enough it will be accepted as truth, the 'Insiders' in Washington went to work on the American people.

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Americans had to be 'sold' the monumentally false idea that the United States is virtually out of oil and would have to become increasingly dependent upon foreigners for its future needs.

The narrative was that the United States was running out of oil and would soon depend on foreign sources.

However, reports suggest otherwise.

In 1972, the National Petroleum Council estimated that the United States had 810.4 billion barrels of oil, enough for 125 years at current consumption rates.

There was also nearly a 100-year supply of natural gas.

So, why the energy crisis myth?

Ignored by the bureaucrats, in their anxiety to generate nationwide acceptance for the 'energy crisis' myth, was the fact that evidence of superabundance of oil within our own borders, in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Continental Shelves on both the East and West coasts.

Some argue it was a ploy by international monopolists to increase federal control over energy production, thereby gaining leverage over American industry and citizens.

In the end, whether the energy crisis is a myth or reality, it's clear that control is the name of the game.

So, what do you think?

Is the energy crisis a reality or a well-crafted myth?

In the 1970s gasoline was so plentiful that it could be purchased for as little as .25 cents per gallon. There wasn't any talk of an 'energy crisis.' As a result Americans were the most mobile people on Earth.

At that time, the government received .11 cents in taxes from every gallon of gasoline you purchased. The .14 cents that was leftover went towards locating, producing, refining, and marketing the finished product. All of that came out of just.14 cents.

To stimulate sales of gasoline many stations gave away such items as steak knives and glassware. Gas stations proliferated Competition, and one could get first class service, from a personalized gas attendant. No need to pump your own gas!!!

The One-Worlders clearly had to create a phony crisis to 'justify' increasing federal controls over energy production. The natural result of such controls would be increased federal leverage over American industry and private lives of American citizens.

This was what the 'energy crisis' was, and is, all about! Control is the name of the game!!!!

The end minutemen

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