Root Chakra Day 1 of 7 Day Chakras Healing Challenge 2023 Unblock All 7 Chakras

11 months ago

If you are ready to begin an Energy Healing Lifestyle that includes Self-Care, Self-Worth, and Self-Love and you’re ready to clear the energies of fear, resistance, unworthiness, blame, shame, or guilt that blocks your ability to live in your purpose, then this CHALLENGE is here for YOU!

Remember, Healing Starts with YOU and together we will begin clearing, healing, and releasing energies that no longer serve your HIGHEST GOOD.

👉Enroll (free) for additional bonuses and complete the 7 Day Chakra Healing Challenge HERE:

In this challenge, you will learn:

*Chakra Basics
*Psychological Symptoms of blocked Chakras
*Physical Symptoms of blocked Chakras
*Impact on Chakras for Empathic Healers & Lightworkers
*Energy Healing Rituals to Clear & Unblock the Chakras

💫UPGRADE for LIVE support HERE:
The 7 Energies: An Energy Healing Lifestyle, LIVE Monthly Zoom Calls for $77, each

This call is offered to those who complete the 7 Day Chakra Healing Challenge and would like additional implementation and support in clearing, healing, & balancing your Chakras for the B.E.S.T. Y.O.U. (Highest Self).

We will meet via Zoom for 2 hours on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5 pm EST.

You can sign up here:

💫Don't forget to sign up for the Energy Healers Masterclass, here:

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