1: Introduction & Ramzi bin al-Shibh's fake psychosis

1 year ago

Fox article on Ramzi bin al-Shibh https://www.foxnews.com/us/9-11-defendant-guantanamo-ruled-unfit-stand-trial-cia-interrogation-techniques

Guardian article indicates that this has been an issue since 2004 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/22/september-11-defendant-declared-unfit-trial-cia-abuse-psychotic

In other words - despite the fact that the existence and USE of wirelessly accessed biomedical implants and directed energy weapons can be scientifically shown - instead they diagnose anyone claiming to be harmed in this way as "mentally ill."

These weapons have been in use for as long as radio has been in use. It's the same basic technology. Piezoelectrical crystalline transceivers can be accessed remotely, and they effectively hide from x-rays. This is all widely known - so it cannot be "classified" - it's simply concealed, via cult-infused mind control tactics and plain old corruption.

This man is still literally being tortured, and so am I. The false mental illness diagnosis simply adds insult to injury, ensuring deferral of justice and continuing of the cover up.

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