Judgement and Justice - God's Standards

1 year ago

Judgement and Justice are vital issues in the mind of the Creator. In teaching the children of Israel the Lord God spelled out in detail his code of holiness - those things that were just and right in his sight. When it came to matters of judgement, the Lord God expected impartiality and a fair application of the laws that he had given the people. In contrast to the unjust rulers of his day, Christ instructed his followers to consider the weightier matters of the law, justice, mercy and faithfulness in their relationships with others. When the Lord returns as Messiah to save his people one of his roles will be that of judge executing justice — rewarding the righteous and destroying the wicked.
So what does God expect of us today? Do we understand the weightier matters of the law? When we must make judgments, are we careful to judge with fairness and impartiality based on the standards set by God?


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