He was Betrayed By all But he defies the hands of time reshaping his destiny! Part 1 #manhwarecap

1 year ago

#manhwa #recap #anime

Name- return of the 8th class magician
Part-1 https://youtu.be/XAIfW8F7aZk
Part-2 https://youtu.be/rCY5UnzaBuY
Part-3 https://youtu.be/24h-10JqOJY
part-4 https://youtu.be/V7nqd9LPFIs
Part=5 https://youtu.be/wmBYzKXPN48

As a powerful 8th class mage, Ian Paige took countless innocent lives under the orders of Emperor Ragnar, a close friend and ruler of the Greenriver Empire. Yet despite their closeness, Ragnar views Ian as a threat and subsequently poisons him. Using time magic, Ian saves himself and returns 30 years to the past.

#manhwa #recap #anime #manga #anirecap #manhuarecommendation

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