Let's Grab a Beer (Ep. 2): Recap Rumble's Ghost Filter, Russell Brand, & StackUp Charity Event

1 year ago

I apologize for the video being out of focus. I had it focus on my face & the camera decided to focus on the background instead.

Looked good on the camera's screen, but we do one & done in this series so there was no going back. I know better now lol.

The premise of this video is a group of friends meeting up after a long day/week of work saying, "Let's Grab a Beer," so they can discuss work, life, & the world. Video will start off with me trying a new beer each episode (beer of the day below) & share my thoughts.

This video I cover an updated on the "drama" behind Rumble's Ghost Filter & the division it appears to be causing amongst the Gaming Creators. I go over another justification provided by a creator on why they believe the filter is in place.

I go over Rumble's response to the UK over Russel Brand & UK's potential response to Rumble for basically telling them to screw off.

Finally I talk about my up coming charity stream for StackUp through RegimentGG that will take place 29-30 Spet and I give you my thoughts on the new beer I try out this video.

Chris Rumble's Tweets:
- https://x.com/chrispavlovski/status/1704920258740445621?s=20

Lumpy's Excuse for Rumble:
- https://x.com/thelumpypotato/status/1704543173479985244?s=20

The Post That Started it All (for me)
- https://twitter.com/MetalShredfreak/status/1702035134696825339?s=19

Dogfish Head SeaQuench Ale:
- https://fridgeliquor.com/shop/product/dogfish-head-seaquench-ale/58a4884c01ff950d19b2297c?option-id=142a34146bfc84332023f6b2a94496e4d0e7b4f87122f41e424e48ca8cf35342

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