The Marriage of Neurocience and Religion | John Gravino on The Dr J Show ep. 203

1 year ago

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0:00 - Introductions
1:25 - John Gravino
2:55 - The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism
5:00 - What is the Scientific Paradigm Shift
7:33 - The Non-Spiritual Explanation that is based on Religious Practices
9:50 - Religion Improves Health
10:46 - The Harvard Flourishing Program and Religious Practices
15:52 - Freud: "Get Away from Religion, Embrace your Passions."
17:00 - Neuroscientists Prove Christianity was Right
22:41 - The Ancient Idea
25:01 - Pop St John Paul - Theology of the Body
28:30 - Who is te Human Person?
33:48 - The Pop of Suspicion - Carl Rogers
39:19 - Carl Rogers and the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church
40:26 - Modern/Pop Psychology and Truth Behind the Film 'Spotlight'
44:53 - What Happened to Carl Rogers
47:23 - Seductive and Destruction Theory - The Sexual Revolution
51:48 - Recommended Book
54: 26 - Closing - Galatians 5:19

John Gravino is a Catholic author who explores the intersection of health and religion and other big questions of life. He is the author of The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism, which was the topic of a health and spirituality seminar at Duke Medical School. In his book, Gravino argues that the real problem with the world is not religion but human nature, and the problem with our human nature is located in our minds. The key to making the world a better place, therefore, depends on the healing of the human mind. But how can this be accomplished? The world of science has been amazingly successful in so many areas, but the one glaring exception to the nearly flawless track record of the sciences is in the study of mental disorder. While science has been able to find cures for so many physical diseases, a cure for mental illness has proven elusive. John Gravino offers an explanation. Science is unable to cure the mind because the mind is a fundamentally different organism. The human mind is spiritual, not physical; and thus, it obeys the spiritual laws of the universe. If you want to make the world a better place, Gravino argues that getting rid of religion—the true source of the spiritual laws of the universe—is the worst thing you can do. Gravino presents his case, based on evidence from recent advances in neuroscience, that the only thing that can save the world is true religion because only true religion has the power to heal the human mind. John is also the author of Confronting The Pope Of Suspicion, now available in paperback.

John’s blog:

John’s article, How Neuroscience Explains Sex Abuse and Vindicates Prayer and Fasting:

Other of John’s articles at The Stream:

About John’s book, The Immoral Landscape (of the New Atheism): How Human Nature Poisons Everything and Why the Church Is Our Only Hope for Survival:

About John’s book, Confronting The Pope of Suspicion:

Dr. Morse’s book, The Sexual State:

Tyler VanderWheel’s article, Should Physicians Prescribe Religious Activities?:

VanderWheel’s op-ed, Religion May Be A Miracle Drug:

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