Unity Engine CEO John Riccitiello, Dev Backlash and Response

1 year ago

Disclaimer: This video was recorded before the response

Unity CEO, the whole thing was so shady so I checked who is deciding on this. So I found out John Riccitiello as their CEO. Unity CEO John Riccitiello's recent sale of 2,000 shares coincided with a controversial decision. There's more apparently, he was the previous CEO of EA, remember EA being voted as the worst company well he's responsible. He was there when Dead Space started monetizing by selling weapons. He is also involved in Sims and Simcity which require always online and many more.

Backlash and Unity Response, As mentioned a lot of game developers are pissed, some game developers started saying they will delete their games because of this. So since the backlash Unity made a response. First, they are saying they will overhaul the price hike basically making changes to the policy. Then remember a while ago we talked about price per install well how are they going to track it? Initially, they said they would use a propriety tool but not they are saying it will be a self-report data. The finally a response from the CEO, he said there is no version of this that would have gone down differently. So that it trust is broken so their plan now is to show the changes rather than tell

Full Video: https://youtu.be/QJARWo0Csio

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