OUT OF THE ASHES #scary - Based on a true story

1 year ago

Imagine being trapped in a blazing inferno. What you thought was an exit quickly became blocked by bodies crushed in the stampede. Will Sarah and Emily survive? Imagine being trapped in a blazing inferno. What you thought was an exit quickly became blocked by bodies crushed in the stampede. Will Sarah and Emily survive?
Based on a True Story
#creepypasta #creepy #scary #scarystories #horrorstories #horrorstory

Scary, creepy pasta horror type videos created to send a cold shiver down your spine.
I also enjoy sharing true horror stories too.
So, if you have a true story that is scary, creepy, or horrifying, which is well written, and you would like me to share, send the story to spinethrills@gmail.com

#scary #scarystories #creepypasta #horrorstories #truestories

Some images courtesy of:

By Rhododendrites - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75882548

By Joe Webster (www.joewebster.net) / - Taken By: Joe Webster (www.joewebster.net),
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17762336

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